Durable Dental Implants in Fontana

senior woman in dental officeAt Dr. Vora's Gateway Dental Office, we know that missing one or multiple teeth can significantly affect your day-to-day life. Dr. Chirag Vora specializes in providing comprehensive dental implant services that you can rely on to restore the beauty and function of your smile. Our team happily works with you to determine the right solution for your needs and desired results.

Having received his education from Boston Implant Institute, Dr. Vora brings his extensive knowledge of dental implants to every patient. Our office has the latest technological advances that modern dentistry offers so you can be confident in the care you are receiving. We do everything we can to help alleviate any fear or anxiety with gentle care, education, and oral sedation. If you're looking for dental implants in Fontana or one of our surrounding communities, you can trust us to find the treatments you need to brighten and complete your smile. Contact us today to set up your appointment!


What Are Dental Implants?

A dental implant post acts as an artificial tooth root when placed in your jaw. The post is made from titanium because of its biocompatibility and natural ability to fuse with your bone and gum tissue. This creates a strong and long-lasting foundation for your new crown, bridge, or denture. Some of the benefits you can expect from your dental implants include:

  • Improved aesthetics
  • Enhanced quality of life
  • Restored bite function
  • Reduced risk of problems from missing teeth
  • Easier dental hygiene
  • And more!

We work with you to match the color and shape of your existing teeth. We can create prosthetics for one missing tooth or more, including an aesthetically pleasing full arch of teeth. Our Fontana dental implant experts strive to ensure your new implants are functional, strong, and comfortable for everyday use.

Beginning the Dental Implant Process

Our process begins with a thorough assessment of your gums, jaws, and teeth to determine if you are a suitable candidate for dental implants. We keep you informed throughout the entire process, answering questions and concerns whenever you have them. Should you need restorative procedures before proceeding with getting implants, you can count on us to have the solutions you need to get you to where you need to be.

Precise Dental Implant Placement in Fontana

placing dental crown restoration on dental implantWhen we have determined you qualify for dental implants and you feel comfortable continuing with the process, our Fontana dental implant experts will take comprehensive images of your smile. This allows us to be more precise when placing your implants. We will also assess your bone density to ensure your jaws can successfully support your new implants. Should you need bone grafts or a sinus lift, our team will perform those procedures as well. We then place your implants.

The entire healing process should take between eight and twelve weeks. Once you have healed sufficiently, we will affix your custom-made artificial tooth to your new implant. We will also ensure your bite function is correct and that your new teeth are comfortable and strong.

Advanced Technology for Better Results

Dr. Vora commits to using the latest innovations and technology to make the dental implant process as safe and quick as possible. Using a 3D printer to create surgical guides, our Fontana dental implant specialists will plan out your treatment to help minimize pain and bone loss. This also allows for more predictable and precise placement. We strive to offer solutions that help keep you confident and comfortable.

Effective Bone Grafts and Sinus Lifts

Decreased bone density in the jaws can occur as a result of missing teeth. When this happens, you may require a bone graft or sinus lift to prepare for dental implant placement. We will use an organic or synthetic donor bone to strengthen your jaws to help ensure your new implants can be secured successfully.

Dental Implants for a Full Smile

close up of smiling mature manWe know that your smile is unique to you. Our team offers various dental implant solutions that are custom-made to fix your smile problems. We also do everything we can to save your existing teeth. However, should a tooth be too damaged, we will perform an extraction to preserve your oral health.

You can trust that all our solutions will fit, function, and feel comfortable in your everyday life. Some of our implant-supported solutions include:

Reliable Dental Implants in Fontana

At Vora's Gateway Dental Office, we provide custom implant-supported and retained solutions you can rely on to restore the beauty and function of your smile. From a single tooth to an entire missing arch, Dr. Vora and his team have the treatments you can trust. If you're looking for dental implants in Fontana, contact us today to set up your appointment!



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